How A Bad Day Fishing Beats A Good Day Of Channel Surfing

 In Activities & Events, Adventures & Travel, Nature & Wildlife

Wilderness Aware Raftng FishingInspirational author William Arthur Ward once observed, “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” However not everyone plays sports to keep score. Some people consider their best chance at playing a sport to be something others might classify as a recreational pastime, like fishing!

When you see someone sitting in a boat in a body of water, relaxing on the bank of a river or lake, or standing on the beach with fishing pole in hand, it is easy to assume that this person is just lazing away the day. However fishing carries some pretty hefty health benefits, in some cases as much as playing a team sport!

Health Benefits of Fishing

The National Hunting and Fishing Day website reports that on the average, each year more than 44 million Americans who are age 6 or older spend time fishing. They might the country’s many lakes, rivers, and streams, or along the coastal areas, such as in an ocean or a bay.

And that is good news, because that means 44 million Americans are getting off the couch and taking part in some kind of physical activity! This hobby is not just for sportsmen, as entire families spend time fishing together. Here are a few of the health benefits frequently associated with this recreational pastime.

  • Low Impact – Fishing is not physically demanding, which means it does not take a lot of stamina or strength. This makes fishing the perfect sport for people of all ages, in most cases even ones faced with some type of health challenge.
  • Heart Friendly – Walking from your vehicle to the fishing spot and reeling in the fish at the other end of the line both exercise your heart, while the stress-free times of waiting in between bites allows you to relax which helps lower your blood pressure.
  • Fresh Air and Sunshine– Being outside means breathing in fresh air and soaking up some extra Vitamin D from the sun. Even if you suffer from seasonal allergies, there are steps you can take to enjoy being outdoors any time of the year to fish.
  • Relaxing – When you are outdoors taking part in a recreational activity like fishing, you leave the stress of work and home behind. Stress free fishing allows you to clear your mind, relax, and perhaps even inspire your creative juices.

Recreational fishing has no deadlines. Nobody keeps score about how many fish you caught or the details about the ones that got away. And unless you are taking part in some type of fishing contest, there is no clear winner or loser when it comes to recreational fishing.

It is not just everyday, average Americans who enjoy fishing. Some of the biggest names in sports also enjoy recreational fishing as a way to kick back and relieve stress, including former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning, major league pitcher Mat Latos, PGA champion Tiger Woods, andNHL defenceman Ian White.

Fishing Benefits – Not Just for Humans

As you can see, who you are and the details of your lifestyle matter very little when it comes to this sport. While can enjoy the benefits of fishing just the same as anyone else, you are not the only one reaping the benefits! Fishing is as good for the environment as it is for the humans that take part in the sport.

When you go fishing, you are supporting wildlife and fish management. Fishing often requires buying a license, and the fees for purchasing one go towards funding programs that contribute to conservation. Most importantly, fishing generates millions of dollars in taxes alone which supports jobs and boosts the economy.

Finally fishing improves your diet. When sitting on the couch surfing the television channels, the refrigerator and kitchen are nearby, stocked with all sorts of foods. An afternoon of fishing limits you to what you pack in the cooler. Make sure you stock plenty of healthy treats and bottled water to avoid becoming dehydrated. And if you are up for the adventure of cleaning your catches, there is nothing like eating fresh fish that you catch yourself at the end of the day.

At Wilderness Aware Rafting, being river runners we love fishing, but our passion is rafting. If you’re interested in a  Colorado Rafting Trip, multi-day rafting trip, or want to try whitewater rafting the Salt River in Arizona, please be sure to contact us and find out what white water rafting trips we have available.

Freelance writer Benjamin Baker loves camping and fly fishing in the wilderness around his home in Denver, Colorado. He even ties his own flies! Benjamin shares his home with his wife and their busy, growing teenage children.

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