Ways To Get Your Kids Outdoors This Summer

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Royal Gorge Rafting

Ways To Get Your Kids Outside

Summer for kids is one of the more exciting times of the year. School is out, the weather is beautiful  and they have nothing but time on their hands. But if your kid is like most others, much of that time is going to be spent indoors, and most likely staring at a computer screen or playing video games. If you intend to pry your child’s gaze and attention away from these electronic entertainment machines, you’re going to have to be clever.

In fact, very clever, because every year that passes, the number of ways we can entertain ourselves indoors not only grows, but increasingly becomes better and better. Making it so we don’t even care that 10 hours was just spent being in an electronic daze. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and to help you get your kids out of that digital stupor, here are some ideas that may well excite them, and convince them that there is indeed a worthy physical world to enjoy outside of the Matrix.

White Water Rafting

Seeing as how we’re a rafting company, we know full well the enjoyment and excitement kids of all ages find from hucking some rubber on the river rapids. It makes for a full day out in nature, enjoying the sun, scenes, and adrenaline created. it also creates great lasting memories, and often times, these types of trips turn into something a family does every year as it allows for some of the best quality time possible. No phones, emails, or IM, just fun in sun with friends and family.


There should never be a reason outside of health that a kid would not want to camping. The problem with selling this idea is that camping alone means sitting and sleeping outdoors, that’s it. In order to spur some interest, you need to offer ideas that are to accompany the camping trip. Mountain climbing, fishing, spelunking, archery shooting, horseback riding, anything really. Kids inherently love the outdoors and this need to be remembered, the only reason they choose to not go outside is because the things they can do are limited, and when compared to what they can do online, it is drastically overshadowed until they are older and more independent. So it is up to parents to offer fun and exciting ideas.

Get Wet

Beyond whitewater rafting, there are numerous other things kids can do which are sure to get them excited. Kayaking and canoeing, wake boarding, paddle boarding, fishing,  even finding an area where “The Blob” can be utilized will be sure to make your kids eyes widen. You can couple this idea with camping, and make a really enjoyable weekend out of it.

Mountain Biking

One of the easiest ways to explore the wilderness is to go trail riding or mountain biking. It gets you outside, and allows you to cover a great amount of ground that would otherwise not be seen if having to hike it on foot. For those that are really wanting to get out there, you can attach a trailer to your bike with camping gear and take an extended multi-night trip. These generally aren’t for the feint of heart, but if you are feint of heart, its a good way to make it stronger.


Oddly, many people think there isn’t much to do at night outdoors. But they often forget perhaps one of the coolest things that can be done overall… and that is to star gaze. Now many people may scoff at the idea, but if you’ve never brought a pair of binoculars or a smaller telescope with you when camping, you are doing yourself a disservice. With the lack of light pollution, you can see more out in the wilderness than in any other place. You ought to take advantage of that the next time you plan any trip outdoors. Weather permitting, you will be pleasantly surprised to stare into the heavens.

Hunt For Plants, Animals, or Minerals

When speaking of hunting, most people usually think of poor Bambi being slain, but you can hunt without killing. There are a whole slew of plants, animals, and minerals worth hunting for, and all that need be done is to find them. Geo hunting can be surprisingly gratifying, spotting a soaring condor hundreds of feet in the air leaves you breathless, and finding edible plants to make for a light salad at lunch will excite your taste buds. There are a lot of things in this world worth exploring and experiencing, you just have to make the effort to prove that to your children. If done correctly, you may well find your children begging you to go outside next time, rather than the other way around.

At Wilderness Aware Rafting, we know that summer is finally arriving, and that means its time for some summer adventure. One fun summer activity that the family and your friends are sure to enjoy is White Water Rafting! The best Denver Rafting can be found with us, and if you’re interested in Colorado River Whitewater Rafting, or even a Whitewater Arizona River Rafting trip, be sure to check what trips are available or contact us to speak with a representative. 




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