Lets all Pay a little Due Respect to Colorado Rivers

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Colorado was named after the Colorado River, which early Spanish explorers named the Rio Colorado for the silt found in the river carried down from the runoff from the surrounding mountains. If you have never seen the Southwest of Colorado, you might not realize that the mountains are a striking red color which are vastly different from the Flatirons found near Boulder.

When you think of Colorado, images of high planes and huge granite peaks may come to mind. But for many, a lack of thought goes into the various rivers and waterways, which throughout time, have shaped this beautiful state as they snake their way toward the Southwest. Rafting Colorado rivers is nothing new, rather, it has been done many times before and for various reasons.

Explorers and natives used these water ways to transport goods, and to navigate through lands which were too difficult to navigate on foot. They’ve been used for a source of food as well as energy. Colorado Rivers have in the past, and continue to this day to allow this state, as well as others, to function. When we think of all the things to be appreciated in this state, sadly it is one of the last thoughts on our minds. Usually we conjure up images of high peaks, low valleys and the abundance of wildlife and plants. Perhaps however, it is time our rivers receive a little limelight for allowing all these other things to be.

One simple way to achieve this is by simply taking part in the activities these rivers provide us. From swimming to fishing, to whitewater rafting, there are numerous activities that can be taken advantage of. Especially because there are a number of rivers from which to choose from. There are over 200 waterways in Colorado, to name only a few there are the Arkansas River, White River, Yampa River, Swan River, San Juan River, and the famous Rio Grande. Each river has it’s own unique history and story, with tales of gold mining, rafting, and general exploration.

One great aspect of these rivers are the breathtaking scenery created by the years of carving these rivers have accomplished in the rock. There is the Royal Gorge, which has the Royal Gorge Bridge suspended above it. There are the sheer cliffs that the White River have carved out in the White River National Forest. Due to the endless effort of the water, there are also countless caves spread throughout the state which are accessible. Many of which are next or near to these rivers.

Next time, any thought of what activities can be done in Colorado are given, consider paying a little due respect to our many rivers. They have created a vast playground in which we have the opportunity to enjoy, and we shouldn’t necessarily look up to the mountains for things to do. We just have to let our eye follow where the rivers flow, and there are bound to be places to play and go.

If you want some advice on where you can enjoy the various rivers in Colorado, or care to plan out an exciting trip, please visit Wilderness Aware Rafting. They will have many options available from which to choose, but all take advantage of what this state has to offer.




Choose from a variety of Colorado rivers, day trips, and multi-day trips to find just the right option for you and your crew. Better hustle, because they’re booking up quick!

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